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Files under the Attachments heading can be any type of file that the sponsor is providing to help you in the project. For example, an attachment may be some type of image file showing mechanical drawing specifications. Common attachments include:If Excel bidding is enabled for the project, it may be a special Excel spreadsheet to be used to submit your bids.

Common attachments include NDA's (non-disclosure agreements), product specifications, Excel bidding spreadsheets (if Excel bidding is enabled), and Cost Breakdown sheets for submitting itemized bidding for Standard lots.

»To download attachments

    1. From the Current Projects page, click the name of the project to open the Project Details page.

    1. In the Attachments area, click the name of the attachment. If multiple files are attached. You can select the Download Multiple Attachments link directly above the Attachments list and select the attachments you would like to download.
    1. Save the file to your computer.

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