Surveys (RFx)
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A sponsor may include one or more surveys to solicit information from you in the form of an RFI, RFP, RFQ, general questionnaire, or agreement. Surveys typically include general questions about your company, specifications of goods and services to be provided, expertise, and other questions that are important to the sponsor. After you submit your responses they will be analyzed and scored.

NOTE: When you finish preparing your survey response you submit it to Iasta SmartSource. You cannot revise your response after submitting it.

When you respond to a survey you can enter answers online in the Survey Editor on the portal site or import them from an Excel spreadsheet. To import answers from an Excel Spreadsheet you must export the survey from Iasta SmartSource, enter your response in the same file that you edited (without adding, removing, or renaming worksheets, columns, or cells) and then import the same file. See Exporting a Survey for detailed information on exporting and editing Excel files.

»To access a survey

    1. Click Current Projects in the left pane of the Iasta SmartSource Portal. Iasta SmartSource displays a list of your projects in the right pane. The name of each project is a link.
    2. Click the name of the project to open the Project Details page.

    1. The Surveys area of the page lists all the surveys you are participating in for the project. The name of each survey is a link. Click the survey name to open a preview of the survey.

Related Topics

Responding to a Survey

Attaching a File to a Survey

Exporting a Survey

Importing a Survey