Company and User Profiles

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A Iasta SmartSource profile is a collection of fields containing relevant eSourcing information about a company or a user. Sponsor company's assign profiles to their own companies and users as well as to supplier companies and supplier users.

When you open the portal, you cannot access current or historical projects until you have filled out and submitted all required company profiles.

»To view and edit company profiles

Select Company Profiles in the left pane. Iasta SmartSource displays a list of the profiles that have been assigned to your company. The following information is available for each profile:

Users cannot access auctions or surveys because the profile is not submitted


»To view and edit user profiles

Select My Profiles in the left pane. Iasta SmartSource displays a list of the user profiles that have been assigned to your company.

Company Profile Workflow

Your Iasta SmartSource sponsor company can assign one or more custom profiles to your company. When your company is assigned a profile, no user at the company can access projects, place bids, view surveys, or submit survey responses until someone at the company fills out the profile and submits it to the sponsor.  The sponsor company can then review your response and verify or reject the information you submitted.

Typical Workflow for Supplier Profiles

Related Topics

Submitting Company Profiles

User Profiles