Live Event Window for Dutch Auctions

The Live Event window for Project Administrators in the Iasta SmartSource Desktop is streamlined for Dutch auction projects. The graph and FlexRank areas have been removed.

The top of the Live Event window displays the current date and time expressed in your local time zone and one of the following descriptions about the timing of the event:

Event Rules

View rules for submitting, canceling, and saving bids to be submitted at another time  by clicking the Event Rules link in the upper right corner.

Lot List

The first table on the Live Event window lists all the lots in the project with the following information:

If no bids are submitted, the auction ends when the last interval closes.


If Instant Messaging is enabled, a Message Center is located directly below the lot list. It displays all messages for this event. Public messages are displayed in the Administrator Messages tab of the message center.  Messages to and from individual attendees are displayed in separate tabs.

»To send a public message

    1. Open the Edit Project menu and choose Project Messages. 
    2. Iasta SmartSource displays a dialog box with a text entry field.
    3. Enter the message and click OK.

»To send a private message

If Instant Messaging is enabled for the project, you can also send and receive messages to and from individuals who are participating in the live event.

    1. Select the bidder or spectator in the drop down menu at the top of the message center area.
    2. Click the start Conversation button to create a tab for the bidder or spectator.
    3. Open the tab, type a message in the message text area and click Send Message.
    4. You can view replies to your message in the tab. You can leave and return to the conversation at any time by clicking the tab in the Message Center.
    5. If a bidder or spectator sends you an instant message, it appears in their tab. If it's the first communication, a new tab is added. The tab blinks when a new message is posted.

Administrator Messages when Instant Messaging is NOT Enabled

If Instant Messaging is not enabled. A message box displaying administrator messages is located in the lower right corner of the live event window.

Bid Information

The Bid Information area at the bottom of the Live Event window displays detailed bid history and current cost and estimated value information for the lot selected in the lot list above. It includes the following details about individual bids:

You can sort the bid list by bid amount, submission time or by the information in any column by clicking the column headers in the list.

Editing Event Properties for Dutch Auctions

You can edit time settings for lots and intervals during the live event by editing the Live Event Properties. Editing properties enables you to reset the start time, redo intervals for previous lots and even skip lots.  See Edit Event Properties for more information.

Related Topics

Bidding Rules

Managing a Live Event

Instant Messaging

Live Event (Bidder)

Bidding Reports