Different Set of Permissions Available at Each Level

Iasta provides permissions for individual features and functions in Iasta SmartSource. These permissions are very explicit. For example, there are separate permissions for creating a project, editing a project, and viewing a project. Explicit permissions mean subdomain administrators provide very flexible control over who can perform which functions. Additionally, each permission has two parts which can be enabled: access and grant. Enabling access to a permission means the user will be able to perform a function such as creating projects. Enabling the grant part of the permission means the user will be able to give that permission to other roles or users so that they can enable other users to create projects.

Creating roles, assigning permissions to the roles, and then assigning roles to users is the simplest way to manage permissions and roles for your subdomain. It is possible to override a permission setting (either to enable or disable) on a role for an individual user. See the Overriding Permissions for more information.

How Users are Assigned Roles

Users receive access to Iasta SmartSource features, functions, and data inside of Iasta SmartSource by getting assigned to roles. The four different levels of roles are assigned at different times and in different areas of the software.