Using Excel Bidding
Excel bidding allows bidders to submit quotations through your own customized pricing workbook. Excel bidding is very helpful when you want to collect bids for many lots because it saves bidders from submitting individual bids manually for each lot. With Excel bidding events (either sealed bid or auction), bidders can simultaneously submit offers on all lots when they upload their pricing workbook.
To use Excel bidding, you must provide bidders with a spreadsheet that has been mapped to the lots in your project. Generally, Project Administrators include Excel bidding spreadsheets as attachments in a project. Before enabling Excel Bidding for your project, you should create the bidding worksheet in Excel.
If you are using formulas in the Excel file, Excel bidding will enable bidders to submit bids using the formulas. For more information about using formulas in your bidding spreadsheet, refer to Using Formulas in Bidding Spreadsheets.
To review Excel bids after the Live Event, use the Excel Bid Report or export project data to Excel.
»To enable excel bidding
»Mapping multiple cells horizontally or vertically
NOTE: Make sure there are no empty cells in the series.
Related Topics
Creating an Excel Bidding Template