Numeric Questions

Respondents must answer numeric type survey questions with an answer. You can create powerful AutoScore methods by specifying ranges and creating a score for each range. If the response for a numeric question could be 1-10 then you could specify three ranges, 1-3, 4-6, and 8-10 and assign scores of 5, 10, and 15 points, one score for each range. Any value within a range will be given the specified score, and values that fall outside of any range will be estimated.

»To add a numeric question

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Surveys branch.
    2. Iasta SmartSource displays a list of surveys in the right pane. Click the Edit link under the survey to open it in the Survey Editor window.

Survey Editor Window

    1. Select the section where you want to add a question.
    2. Click on the toolbar and select "New Question" or right-click on the section and select "New Question" from the shortcut menu. A new question is added to the end of the section and the right side of the window becomes available.

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

NOTE: All question text is double spaced by default. To force single spacing within the question text, hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard at the same time you press ENTER for another line. See Formatting Survey Question Text for more information.

NOTE: Use caution when making checklists required. Respondents must check at least one item in the list in order to submit their response. For cases where NO selection is a potentially correct response, you should either make the question optional (do not select this check box) or create a "None of the above" or "Not applicable" option in the checklist so that suppliers can answer the question correctly and still meet the requirement.

Numeric Field Score Range Window