Contract Triggers for Contracts

Contract Triggers are listed in the left pane and information about the currently selected trigger is displayed in the right pane.

Contract triggers can automatically send email, change a label, or change the value of a custom field. Contract triggers are scheduled based on the value of a Date/Time field in the contract type. You cannot create a trigger without having an associated date/time field to control when the trigger action is performed.

See Contract Triggers: Trigger List for detailed information about triggers and how to manage them. 

Navigating Contract Properties

The Contract Properties window includes several pages for editing and managing contract elements. Use the navigation pane on the left to go directly to a specific page or use the Back and Next buttons at the bottom of the window to navigate through each page in order.

Related Topics

Send an E-mail Trigger

Contract Label Trigger

Field Change Contract Trigger

Creating New Contracts

Contract Triggers: Trigger List