Send an E-mail Trigger

»To create an e-mail trigger for contracts or contract types

    1. Click the New Trigger button on the Trigger List page and select Send an E-mail to open the Contract E-mail Trigger page.
    2. Click the Browse button next to the E-mail document to open the Create and Save an E-mail Document window.

    1. Type the subject in the Subject box and your message in the Message Body box or click You can also insert contract fields into the subject or body of your email message. By inserting a field such as contract name, Contract Management will automatically insert the correct data for the email when it the trigger is launched.

To insert a field, place your cursor where you want to put the contract field, select Templates > Insert Field > [field name].  See E-mail Management for more information.

Click the Save button on the toolbar to return to the Contract Trigger wizard.

    1. If you want the trigger to run, make sure there is a check in the "This trigger is enabled" check box.
    2. In the E-mail Recipients area, choose which contract attendees should receive the e-mail in the Attendee Groups tab. To enter e-mail addresses for individual recipients, open the Individual Attendees tab, click the Add Recipient button, and enter the e-mail address of the recipient.
    3. Use execution times to schedule when you want the email to be sent. You could have a reminder type email sent multiple times, e.g. 30 days before expiration and then have it sent again 2 weeks before the contract expires.

To schedule an execution time, click the Add Execution Time button on the toolbar of the Execution Times area. Contract Management adds a row with the following columns for entering data.

    1. Click OK to save the trigger.

Related Topics

Contract Types

Contract Fields

Creating New Contracts
