Editing a Project Document

Editing Documents

Only one user can edit a document at a time. Project Administrators cannot edit a document if it is already being edited by someone else, but they can open it in read-only mode. Subdomain administrators can "break the lock" if necessary, however, the editing user will not be able to save his or her changes.

»To edit a document

    1. Expand the project you want in the Connections and Projects tree in the left pane.
    2. Click on the toolbar and select "Edit Project Document," then select the document. Iasta SmartSource opens the Document Editor window with the selected document.
    3. If the document is currently published to spectators or unpublished then it is editable and you can go to the next step. If it is currently published to all users, an administrator must change the status to "Unpublish" or "Publish to Spectators" before you can edit it. It is possible that bidders who have been invited to the project may have already seen the document. If you must make changes, be aware that the document will be unavailable to bidders once you change the status to "Unpublish" or "Publish to Spectators". After you make your changes, save the document, and "Publish to All" again, you should let bidders (and other attendees) know that you have published a revised version of the document. You can do this automatically if you set up a "Document Status Change" project trigger.

Click  on the toolbar and select one of the following options to make the document editable:

    1. Edit the document as needed. For information on how to use the Document Editor window, refer to Using the Document EditorYou can click on the toolbar to check for spelling and typographical errors.
    2. Click on the toolbar and select one of the following options:
    1. If you want to make the revised document available to other users, click on the toolbar and select one of the following options:
    1. Choose File > Exit

Use the new Find and Replace feature to search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase in a document. You can also use the replace feature to replace an item for a single instance or for all instances where the text is found.

»To find/replace text

  1. Open the Document Editor. Select any item in the survey tree and click the Find/Replace button on the toolbar to open the Find and Replace window.

  1. In the Find what field, enter the text that you want Iasta SmartSource to look for.
  2. Use the check box options to control whether Iasta SmartSource will find text that matches the case as you entered it in the Find what field or finds an entire word that matches the text or a portion of the word.
  3. If you want to replace the text that it finds with alternative text, enter the alternative text in the "Replace with" field.
  4. Choose one of the following:

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Project Documents

Creating a Project Document

Using the Document Editor

Document Standard Template Database Fields