Using the Document Editor

You can perform the following Document-related tasks from the Document Editor window:

»To add a chapter

    1. Select the spot in the Document tree where you want to insert a new chapter and click the add chapter button on the toolbar. Iasta SmartSource inserts a text field in the tree
    2. Iasta SmartSource inserts a text field in the tree for you to enter the name of the chapter. Enter the name and press the Enter key on your keyboard or click outside of the text field.

    1. You can move the chapter to a new location in the tree by dragging and dropping or you can use the arrow keys to move the chapter up or down to the desired location in the Document tree.
      NOTE: To edit a chapter or section name, select the name you want to edit in the Document tree and click on the toolbar. The name field becomes available to edit. Edit the name in the available space, then press the Enter key on the keyboard or click outside of the space.

»To add a section

    1. Select the location in the Document tree where you want to insert the new section and click the new section button on the toolbar.
    2. Iasta SmartSource inserts a text field in the tree for you to enter the name of the section. Enter the name and press the Enter key on your keyboard or click outside of the text field.

    1. You can move the section by dragging and dropping in the Document tree or you can use the arrow keys to move the section to the desired location in the Document tree.

NOTE: To edit a chapter or section name, select the name you want to edit in the Document tree and click on the toolbar. The name field becomes available to edit. Edit the name in the available space, then press the Enter key or click outside of the space.

»To edit a section

    1. From the Document tree, select the section and click on the toolbar to open the section text window.

Document Editor Window

    1. You can modify any text in the yellow area. Text highlighted in green represents a database field that is populated from project fields entered in Iasta SmartSource includes for your project. If you delete a database field you cannot re-insert it. You cannot cut, copy, or paste
    2. Click on the toolbar.

NOTE: To edit a chapter or section name, select the name you want to edit in the Document tree and click on the toolbar. The name becomes an editable text field. Edit the name and press the Enter key on the clipboard or click outside of the text field.

»To preview a chapter or section

    1. From the Document tree, select the chapter or section you want to preview and click the Preview tab at the bottom of the window.

Document Editor Window

»To delete a chapter or section

From the Document tree, select the chapter or section you want to delete and click the Delete button on the toolbar.

»To move a chapter or section

There are two ways to move chapters and sections to a different location in the tree:

»To spell check the document

    1. From the Document tree, select the chapter or section node where you want to begin spell checking and click on the toolbar. The Spelling window appears and stops at the first misspelled word.

Spelling Window

    1. Click one of the following:

»To preview the document

This procedure enables you to view the document as it will appear to project attendees. We recommend that you preview a document before and after you insert page breaks.

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Print Preview window.

Print Preview Window

    1. Page through the document to check pagination, etc.
    2. Click on the toolbar to print the document or close the Print Preview window.

»To insert a page break

    1. From the Document tree, select the location where you want to insert the page break.

NOTE: The page break will be inserted immediately before the selected chapter or section or chapter or section node where you want to begin spell checking.

    1. Click the page break button on the toolbar. The page break appears in the tree.

To Edit Document Properties

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Document Properties window.

Document Properties window

    1. Edit the following fields:

»To save the document

Click on the toolbar and select Save Document. After you save a document, its name and description appear in the Connections and Projects tree and the Project Detail page, but bidders cannot access it unless it is published.

»To save the document template

Click on the toolbar and select Save Template. Iasta SmartSource overwrites the previously saved version of the template in the Document Library with your changes.

»To save the document as a template

    1. Click on the toolbar and select Save Template As.
    2. Enter a name for the new template.

Related Topics

Project Documents

Creating a Project Document

Editing a Project Document

Document Standard Template Database Fields