Responding to a Survey
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»To respond to a survey

    1. Click Current Projects in the left pane of the Iasta SmartSource Portal. Iasta SmartSource displays a list of your projects in the right pane. The name of each project is a link.
    2. Click the name of the project to open the Project Details page.

    1. The Surveys area of the page lists all the surveys you are participating in for the project. The name of each survey is a link. Click survey name to open a preview of the survey.

Survey Page

    1. Click the Respond Online and Upload Attachments link. Iasta SmartSource displays the survey showing the due date, instructions, navigational and save links, and editable fields for entering data to answer the questions.

NOTE: For instructions on how to export your survey to Excel, see Exporting a Survey and Importing a Survey.

    1. Enter answers to survey questions. Questions numbered in red with an asterisk and cells shown in red are required. Iasta SmartSource will not accept your responses unless all required questions and/or cells are completed. To attach a document to a question, see Attaching a File to a Survey.
    2. Use the following links in the navigation area at the top of survey pages to navigate through the pages of the survey and save and submit your response.

Related Topics

Surveys (RFx)

Attaching a File to a Survey

Exporting a Survey

Importing a Survey