Adding New Bids

»To add new bids

    1. In the Sourcing workspace, expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree, open the Edit Project menu on the toolbar and choose Bid Management.

Project Bids Window

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Bid Properties window.

Bid Properties Window

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

Bid Properties Window

    1. Click Finish to return to the Project Bids window.
    2. Click Finish.

NOTE: For Dutch auctions that are set up to allow automatic proxy bidding, Iasta SmartSource will save a bid for possible submission to future intervals. , Iasta SmartSource records all bids saved and submitted, but if an Automatic Proxy Bid is saved before/during the Live Event, the bid amount will not display in Bid Management until AFTER the Live Event. For Automatic Proxy Bids saved before/during the Live Event, the "Bid Amount" column displays a dash (-). After the Live Event, the bid amounts for saved automatic proxy bids appear in the Bid Amount column. If a bid is saved at one time, and then submitted when the interval opens, then that proxy bid will display again in bid management as a submitted bid, with the submitted time.

Related Topics

Bid Management

Adding Preliminary Bids

Adding Sealed Bids

Submitting an Excel Bid Spreadsheet

Publishing Bids

Resolving Bid Problems