The Respondent Process (Portal)

»To respond to a survey from the Iasta SmartSource Portal Site

    1. The respondent accesses the Iasta SmartSource Portal Site and clicks the project name to open the Project Details page.
    2. From the Project Details page, the respondent clicks the name of the survey. 

    1. The respondent clicks the Edit Your Response link to open the Survey Response page.

    1. Questions numbered in red with an asterisk and cells shown in red are required. Iasta SmartSource will not accept responses unless all required questions and/or cells are completed.The respondent enters or attaches data to the survey and uses one of the following links to save changes or ext the Survey Response Editor: 

NOTE: Once a respondent has submitted a response, he or she cannot edit or resubmit the response unless a Survey or Subdomain Administrator changes the respondent's survey status to "Not Submitted." For more information, refer to Survey Status.

NOTE: Respondents CAN submit responses after the deadline if they began working on it before the deadline passed.

Related Topics

Exporting a Survey (Portal)

Editing an Exported Survey

Importing a Survey (Portal)

Attaching a File to a Survey Answer