Revising a Document

With the innovative Document Library, you can download a document for editing purposes. Then, you can upload the revised document later to be stored with the original document.

As revisions of an original document emerge, the Document Library acts as a storage place for all previous versions. This enables you to add new revisions of the document, but keep the previous revisions and original as a reference.

You can also download a document to revise within Iasta SmartSource's Document Library.

By default, users who are assigned a role with the "Full control of the Document Library" permission can revise add, delete, and lock documents and document templates in the Document Library. By default, this permission is assigned to Project Administrator and Subdomain Administrators but Iasta SmartSource allows subdomain administrators to create additional roles and modify the permissions that are assigned to both custom and default roles, so your permissions and roles setup may be different than the default settings.

»To revise a document

    1. Select and expand the connection in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Document Library button on the toolbar to open the Document Library window.
    2. In the Categories tree in the left pane, select the document you want to revise. Iasta SmartSource displays details about the document in the right pane.
    3. Click on the toolbar to open the Document Revisions window.
    4. Select the revision you want to revise and click .
    5. Iasta SmartSource opens the Save As window. Select a location for the file and click Save.
      The saved file opens in the appropriate software. For example, if the selected document is an Excel file, it will launch Excel and open the document for revision.
    6. Make any changes to the document and click Save. You can now upload the revised document to the Document Library.
      NOTE: After you revise a document, be sure to save the file.

»To upload a revision to the library

    1. Select and expand the connection in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Document Library button on the toolbar to open the Document Library window.
    2. In the Categories tree in the left pane, select the document you want to revise. Iasta SmartSource displays details about the document in the right pane.
    3. Click on the toolbar to open the Document Revisions window.
    4. Click to open the Revision Selection window.
    5. Click to navigate to the file then click Open to return to the Revision Selection window with the selected document displayed.
      NOTE: If a file has been revised elsewhere; for example, in Microsoft PowerPoint, you can still upload the revision into the Document Library.
    6. Enter revision notes. Revision notes are optional, but they are a useful way to summarize what was changed and why.
    7. Click Finish to upload the document.

»To set a current revision

A document may have several revisions uploaded into the Document Library. Setting the current revision enables you to designate the most current revision.

    1. Select and expand the connection in the Connections and Projects tree and click on the toolbar to open the Document Library.
    2. Select the document in the Categories tree in the left pane to show the document's details in the right pane.
    3. Click on the toolbar to open the Document Revisions window.
    4. Select the file you want to set as current and click . Iasta SmartSource indicates that the document is labeled as the current revision by a red check mark.
    5. Click Finish. If there are survey templates in the Document Library where any revision of this document is attached, then Iasta SmartSource will give you the option to automatically update them. It will display a list of all the survey templates with an attachment to the document and allow you to individually select the templates that you want to update. When you update a template, any new surveys created from the template will reference the current revision of the document.

»To lock and unlock a revision

When you "lock" a revision, other users cannot upload new revisions or change the current revision setting. Any user who is assigned a role with the "Full control of Document Library" permission can lock a document revision. Only the person who locked it or a subdomain administrator can unlock it.

    1. Select and expand the connection in the Connections and Projects tree and click on the toolbar to open the Document Library.
    2. Select the document in the Categories tree in the left pane to show the document's details in the right pane.
    3. Click on the toolbar to open the Document Revisions window.
    4. Select the revision you want to lock and click . Iasta SmartSource indicates the document revision is locked with the locked icon .
      NOTE: To unlock a document, select the document and click .
    5. Click Finish.

Related Topics

Organizing Documents and Templates

Adding a Document

Editing Document and Template Properties

Searching Documents

Editing Templates