Adding a Document

»To add a document to the Document Library

NOTE: If you are working with a document for a contract in Contract Management, refer to Contract Documents.

    1. Select a connection in the Connections and Projects tree and click on the toolbar to open the Document Library.

Document Library Window

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Document Detail wizard.

Document Detail Wizard

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Upload New Revision window.

Upload New Revision Window

    1. In the Document field, click the Browse button to navigate to the document you want to upload and click Open to return to the Update New Revision Window.
    2. Click Finish to upload the document and return to the Document Library page.
    3. Click Next to open the Document Permissions page.

Document Permissions Window

    1. Choose one of the following options:
    1. Click to open the Companies and Users window. Select the company in the upper right pane and then double click the user you want to add in the lower right pane to return to the Document Permissions page.
    2. Select the appropriate permission check boxes:
    1. Click Finish.

Related Topics

Organizing Documents and Templates

Editing Document and Template Properties

Revising a Document

Searching Documents

Editing Templates