Editing a Template

Through the Document Library you can work on document, survey, and e-mail templates used in the Iasta SmartSource Desktop and Portal.

»To edit a document template

    1. Select a connection in the Connections and Projects tree and click on the toolbar to open the Document Library.

Document Library Window

    1. In the Categories tree, select a document template to view the template details in the right pane.
    2. Double-click the template branch in the Categories tree or click the "Select this Template" link in the Related Links area to open the Document Editor window.
    3. Make any necessary changes.
    4. Click on the toolbar and select one of the following:

»To set up template access levels

If necessary, you can customize access levels to certain templates for specific subdomain users.

    1. Select a connection in the Connections and Projects tree and click on the toolbar to open the Document Library.
    2. Select and expand the Template branch and then the template in the Categories tree to view the template's details in the right pane.
    3. Click the Edit Permissions link in the Related Links area to open the Document Permissions window.

Document Permissions Window

    1. Choose one of the following options:
    1. If you select to use the permissions inherited from this item's parent folders, Iasta SmartSource automatically sets access levels based on pre-set folders in the Document Library. If you select to specify custom permissions for this item, you determine the access levels for administrative groups or a specific user. To set the permissions for a certain user, click to open the Companies and Users window. Select the company in the upper right pane then double click the user you want to add and you will return to the Document Permissions window with the selected user displayed.
    2. Select the appropriate permission check boxes:
    1. Click Finish.

Related Topics

Organizing Documents and Templates

Adding a Document

Editing Document and Template Properties

Revising a Document

Searching Documents

Editing Templates