Bidding on a FlexBid Lot
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A FlexBid lots is an aggregation of Standard and/or ItemBid lots. FlexBid bidding enables bidders to apply a percentage discount or premium in an attempt to obtain the business for all lots in the FlexBid lot. Sponsors may set up FlexBid lots and leave them closed during the Live Event to show bidders their current rank on a certain aggregation of lots. Bidders must enter a bid for each individual lot included in a FlexBid lot before they can enter a discount for the FlexBid lot.

»To bid on a FlexBid lot

    1. Place independent bids on all Standard or ItemBid lots that have been included in the FlexBid lot.
    2. Click the name of the FlexBid lot to open the bid area.

    1. In the Place Your FlexBid % Discount box, type the percent of the bid amount to be discounted if all lots in the FlexBid lot are awarded to you.
    2. Click Submit. Iasta SmartSource prompts you to confirm your bid. Click ok to submit or cancel to exit without submitting.
      If you submitted, Iasta SmartSource displays a message letting you know it recorded your bid or displays an error message.

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Bidding with an Excel Spreadsheet


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Bidding Reports