E-mailing Project Invitations

Iasta SmartSource provides a powerful project emailing feature which comes with default templates containing basic content for you to communicate project information to the attendees you select.

NOTE: Attendees cannot see the project in Iasta SmartSource until you publish it. For more information, refer to Project Statuses.

»To e-mail project invitations to selected attendees

    1. From the Create New Project wizard or the Project Properties wizard, click Next to page through the wizard to get to the Project Attendees page or select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click on the toolbar to pen the Project Attendee Setup page.

Project Attendees Window

    1. Select the attendees you want to invite to the project in the list and click on the toolbar
      or right-click and select "E-mail Project Invitation".
    2. Iasta SmartSource displays the Send E-mail page with the default invitation template for your project type. Modify the template as desired. For additional instructions, see E-mail Management.

Send E-mail Window

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the E-mail Preview displaying an example of how the e-mail will appear to the recipient.

NOTE: Passwords display only for the recipient.

E-mail Preview Window

    1. Click Close on the toolbar to exit the E-mail Preview window and return to the Send E-mail page.
    2. Click on the toolbar. Iasta SmartSource displays a confirmation window asking if you would like to close the e-mail editor. Click OK to exit the project attendee page.

Related Topics

Adding a Project Attendee

Adding a Bidder as a Spectator

Removing a Project Attendee

Exporting Project Attendees

MetaBid Factors

Monitoring Attendee Access Status