Working with Table Sub-Questions

You can create a hierarchy of questions by creating sub-questions below questions. You can add as many levels of sub-tables as you like.

»To add a table sub-question

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Surveys branch.
    2. Iasta SmartSource displays a list of the project's surveys in the right pane. Click the Edit link under a survey to open it in the Survey Editor.
    3. Select the question where you want to place the sub-question on the Survey Editor window. Click on the toolbar or right-click on the question you want to work with and select New Table Question > New Table Sub-Question. A new sub-question is added to the existing question and the right side of the window becomes available. You can undock and expand the Table Editor by clicking the heading and dragging it to another area of your screen

    1. Enter information in the following fields in the right pane:

NOTE: All question text is double spaced by default. To force single spacing within the question text, hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard at the same time you press ENTER for another line. See Formatting Survey Question Text for more information.

    1. Format the table by creating the right number of rows and columns. Click on the toolbar to insert a row or column into the table. Press ENTER or TAB. Click "<click to edit>" in the row or column header to enter text.
      When the row or header text is selected: , type the column or row header text. Row and column headers can be turned "on" and "off." Click on the Table Editor toolbar to tag row headers and column headers as viewable or non-viewable. Press ENTER or TAB.

NOTE: To go back and edit the properties of the main question, click anywhere in the right hand side of the window or Select the main question in the Survey tree.

Table Editor

    1. Specify cell question properties by selecting the cell. Iasta SmartSource presents fields for configuring the cell question in the right pane. Enter information about the cell question in the following fields:

NOTE: You can also allow respondents to attach a file in addition to their answer by selecting "Allow respondents to optionally attach files in response to this question" check box. In this case, the attachment is always optional for the respondent.

NOTE: Use caution when making checklists required. Respondents must check at least one item in the list in order to submit their response. For cases where NO selection is a potentially correct response, you should either make the question optional (do not select this check box) or create a "None of the above" or "Not applicable" option in the checklist so that suppliers can answer the question correctly and still meet the requirement.

»To copy a table cell

    1. Select the table cell that you want to copy.

    1. Click the Copy Table Cell button on the toolbar to open the Copy Table Cell Properties window with the cell to be copied outlined in red.

Copy Table Cell Properties Window

    1. Click the cell where you want to place the information from the cell you copied. the selected cells are outlined in blue.

NOTE: You can also click the row or column header to select an entire row or column.

Copy Table Cell Properties Window

    1. Click Finish. See Table Question Example for more help on setting up table questions.

About Resizing

No matter how long the text is within a row or a column header, the Table Editor automatically equalizes their widths. However, if you would like change this default sizing method, there are two ways to resize rows and columns within the Table Editor.

    1. Hover over the area you want to move. The cursor changes to a double-sided arrow and you can move the row or column markers at will.
    2. For a more fine-tuned adjustment, click on the Table Editor toolbar and enter specific column or row percentages, as necessary: