Adding a FlexBid Lot

In many cases, projects are comprised of similar lots and bidders are interested in getting a larger proportion of the business. They may be willing to offer large discounts on the smaller lots if they are awarded all of the business of the bigger lots. FlexBid lots make it possible for bidders to communicate these kinds of conditional discounts.

FlexBid lots are special aggregate lots that enable bidders to place percentage discount bids on a group of lots. When bidders enter a discount for a FlexBid lot, they are NOT modifying their bids on the Standard or ItemBid lots included in the FlexBid lot. Rather, they are applying a percentage discount to their bids based on the condition that they will be awarded all lots included in the FlexBid lot. In Bid Management, FlexBids are displayed as percentages associated with the FlexBid lot, not as bids on the constituent lots.

FlexBid lots are often used to show real-time aggregate bidder rankings by including constituent Standard or ItemBid lots into a FlexBid lot even when you are NOT soliciting percentage discounts. To use the FlexBid feature in this way, create the FlexBid lot, select the constituent lots, and check the "Do Not Open" check box. With this set-up, the lot will never open for bidding but will show real-time rankings.

Other rules and behavior regarding FlexBid lots are:

NOTE: For more information on how aggregate lots work in a Live Event (from a supplier point of view), see Live Event.

»To add a FlexBid lot

NOTE: FlexBid are aggregate lots referencing other Standard or ItemBid lots so you must add at least one Standard or ItemBid lot containing at least one item before you can add a FlexBid lot.

    1. From the Create New Project or Project Properties wizard, click Next to navigate through pages to get to the Lots and Items window or expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click on the toolbar.
    2. Click on the toolbar and select New FlexBid Lot to open the FlexBid Lot Properties window.

    1. Enter information for the lot and click Finish to create the lot. See the following section for detailed information about individual fields on the page.

Fields in FlexBid Lot Properties

Bidders see a tie indicator when they are tied for first place.

For users who import lots and items from a spreadsheet, you can create an Allow Tie Bids column with a "Yes” indicating that tie bids should be allowed for the lot or item in that row and a "No” preventing tie bids for first place bids.

NOTE: This option is a powerful tool when used in conjunction with FlexRank or FlexBid. Closed lots do not open for bidding, but they can still be included in a bidder's analysis to show how they compare with their competitors. This is typically used for fixed costs, such as freight. You can also ask that final bids be submitted for unopened lots prior to the Live Event and, using Bid Management, submit the bids prior to the Live Event so bidders can compete with consideration to their bids on lots that are not open for live bidding.

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Related Topics

FlexBid Lot Example

Adding a Standard Lot

Adding an ItemBid Lot

Enabling Excel Bidding