Working with Survey Responses

»To view survey responses

    1. Open the project in the Connections and Projects tree and select the Surveys branch.
    2. On the Survey page in the right pane, select the Responses/Reporting link to open the Survey Response Management window.

The Survey Response Management window contains three panels. The top panel lists all survey respondents and evaluators, the lower left panel shows the survey questions, and the lower-right panel contains tabs for viewing the actual survey response.

Survey Response Management Window

    1. Place check marks next to the respondents, evaluators, and questions you wish to review in the top and lower left panel. You can select all attendees by clicking the  button on the toolbar and selecting "Check All". You can choose to select all questions or only those questions that allow file attachments by clicking the  button on the toolbar and selecting "Check All" or "Check Attachment Questions."

      NOTE: To minimize processing time by reducing the amount of data, Iasta SmartSource downloads only the selected questions and sections for the selected respondents. 

Survey Response Management Window

    1.  Choose a format for viewing responses by selecting one of the view format tabs at the bottom of the lower right panel: 

NOTE: Use the Zoom In/Zoom Out feature  to increase or decrease the text size when reviewing responses. This feature also enables you to print the tabs as reports using a selected zoom size. Use Print Preview  to see what the report will look like when printed.

»To pause and resume survey updates between selections

Each time you select a question from the Survey Response Management window, Iasta SmartSource updates a temporary database table behind the scenes. Therefore, if your survey is very large, and/or you have many responses and evaluators, it could take some time for Iasta SmartSource to update the table between each selection. To avoid delays, click on the toolbar to prevent Iasta SmartSource from updating the table between each selection. When you have made your selections, click on the toolbar. Iasta SmartSource updates the table all at once.

»To lock survey responses

You can request that Iasta enable the Lock/Unlock Responses feature for your subdomain. "Locked" responses are hidden to evaluators and administrators until the an administrator "unlocks" all bidder responses. When survey locking is enabled, you can clone projects along with any surveys but only the survey questions will be cloned. You won't be able to clone the responses to survey questions.

Contact Iasta Customer Support for additional information on enabling survey locking for your subdomain.

To lock or unlock responses, click or on the toolbar of the Survey Response Management window.

NOTE: Once the responses are unlocked, they are visible to all evaluators and administrators.

»To export survey responses

Each of the tabs (views) on the Survey Response Management window may be exported to a Microsoft Word document or an Excel file by opening the Export menu by clicking  on the toolbar and selecting one of the these options:

Related Topics

Submission Statuses

Editing a Survey Response

Exporting Survey Responses

Understanding Question Scoring

Understanding Weighted Question Scoring

Understanding Table Question Scoring

Understanding Weighted Evaluator Scoring

Understanding Section and Final Scoring