Project Management

Project Management enables you to schedule project activities, keep internal notes to assist in bidder tracking, and create automated triggers for the project. Within Project Management, you can create activities and generate a timeline populated with your custom activities. Users for each activity can be tracked and you have the option to keep internal notes about the process. Project Management activities are displayed on the Activity Calendar Gadget on Dashboards so you can get an integrated view of multiple project activities.

Project Management enables you to:

Project Management activities are displayed on the Activity Calendar Gadget on dashboards. It provides an integrated view of multiple project activities. You can share progress information for projects and collaborate with a wide circle of users.

»To enable project management

    1. From the Create New Project wizard or the Project Properties wizard, click Next through the pages of the wizard to navigate to the Project Settings page.

Project Settings Window

    1. Choose the Project Management check box in the Additional Properties section.
    2. Click NEXT then FINISH to exit the wizard.

»To access Project Management

Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Project Management button on the toolbar or right-click in the Connections and Projects tree and select Project Management to open the Project Management window. Certain activities are automatically populated from information about the project, i.e. Forum, Live Event.

Project Management Window

Project Timeline Example

Actions with Automatically Generated Activities:

Related Topics

Adding a Project Trigger

Adding Notes

Adjusting Activity Times