Editing a Survey

»To edit a survey

This procedure addresses editing the survey itself. For instructions on how to edit a respondent's submission status or answers, refer to Editing a Survey Response.

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click on the toolbar to open the Survey Management window.

Survey Management Window

    1. Select a survey in the list and click on the toolbar to open the Survey Editor.

NOTE: Only one user can edit a survey at a time. A Project Administrator cannot edit a survey if it is already being edited by someone else; however he or she can open the survey in read-only mode. If a survey is already being edited by someone else and a Subdomain Administrator attempts to edit the same survey, the following Warning message appears. The Subdomain Administrator can select one of the following:

    1. Make changes to the survey:
    1. Click on the toolbar and select "Save Survey." If the survey has been published, the following Warning message appears:survey.

If you have received responses for the survey, changing field types, minimum or maximum values, etc. may invalidate a respondent's answers. If this happens, consider notifying respondents of the change and changing submitted respondents' statuses from Submitted to Not Submitted to enable them to resubmit corrected responses. For more information, refer to Editing a Survey Response.

    1. Click  on the toolbar.

See Editing Multiple Questions for information on editing multiple questions simultaneously.

Find & Replace

Use Find and Replace to search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase in a document. You can use the replace feature to replace an item for a single instance or for all instances where the text is found.

»To find/replace text

  1. Open the Survey Editor. Select any item in the survey tree and click the Find/Replace button on the toolbar to open the Find and Replace window.

  1. In the Find what field, enter the text that you want Iasta SmartSource to look for.
  2. Use the check box options to control whether Iasta SmartSource will find text that matches the case as you entered it in the Find what field or finds an entire word that matches the text or a portion of the word.
  3. If you want to replace the text that it finds with alternative text, enter the alternative text in the "Replace with" field.
  4. Choose one of the following:

Related Topics

Working with Sections

Working with Questions

Importing Questions

Custom Types Questions

Numeric Questions

Working with Table Questions

Question Attachments

Weighting Sections and Questions

Weighting Evaluators

Formatting Survey Question Text

Exporting and Importing Surveys